Protection - PLK + Prime Care + EUMR + UPCR

PowerLink (PLK)

  • Regular premium investment-linked product.
  • Provide protection against death till age of 100, TPD till age 65.
  • Matures age of 100.

PLK - Death Benefit

  • Provide death coverage up to age 100 years old.
  • Basic Insured Amount + 100% of Amount Value is payable.
  • Subject to LIEN rule.

Age of Life Assured at Death                                % of Basic Insured Amount Payable

15 Days - 24 months                                                           20%
13 - 24 months                                                                    40%
25 - 36 months                                                                     60%
37 - 48 months                                                                     80%
49 month and above                                                            100%

PLK - TPD Benefit

  • Upon TPD Basic Insured Amount + 100 % of Amount Value payable in one lump sum.
  • Subject to LIEN rule.
  • Insured Amount up to a maximum of RM 2 million (per life assured)
  • If TPD benefit > RM 2 million, the balance of Insured Amount will pay upon death.

PLK - Features

  • Premium Flexibility
  • Top - up Premium
  • Premium Holiday
  • Switching
  • Insured Amount Flexibility
  • Withdrawal
  • Inforce Guarantee

PLK - Underwriting

Entry Age
                                                           Min Age                                 Max Age

Life Assured                                   15 days old                             70 years old
Applicant                                        18 years old                            100 years old

Enhance MediCover

  • Unit Deducting H & R Rider
  • Provides a comprehensive hospitalization and surgical related medical coverage.
  • No co-insurance / deductible features.
  • Renewable up to age 90.
  • 9 Plan offering different levels of benefit are available: Plan 150, Plan 200, Plan 300, Plan 350, Plan 400, Plan 500, Plan 1000 and Plan 1500.

EUMCR - Basic Benefits

  • A. Hospitalization & Surgical Benefit
  • B. Out - Patient Benefit
  • C. No Claims Reward

EUMCR - Optional Brenefits

  • E1) Female Disease and Maternity Risks
  • E2) Hospital Income
  • E3) Lump Sum Cancer Benefit Upon Diagnosis
  • E4) Lump Sum Kidney Failure Benefit Upon First Diagnosis

EUMCR - Table of Benefits

Plan  (RM)                        Overall Lifetime Limit

150                                     850K

200                                      1 mil

250                                      1.25

300                                      1.5 mil

350                                      1.75 mil

400                                      2  mil

500                                      2.5 mil

1000                                    4 mil

1500                                    5 mil

EUMCR - Key Benefits

  • No Annual Limit
  • No Claims Reward
  • Room and Board Refund

No Annual Limit

No Claims Reward

Room and Board

EUMCR - Underwriting (Waiting Period)

Enrty Age

Life Assured             Min Age - 15 days old                   Max Age - 70 years old

Expiry Age

Prime Care (UPRC)

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